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ClariGenZ Becomes Official Focus Enhancement Pill of the World Sports Alumni

ClariGenZ Becomes Official Focus Enhancement Pill of WSA

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United States- The World Sports Alumni has now entered into a partnership with ClariGenZ™, the world's best all-natural focus enhancement pill. Numerous athletes across the NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA, and more are using ClariGenZ™’s new formula “Focus Plus+” to enhance their cognitive skills and get the edge when competing on the world stage. ClariGenZ™’s proprietary blend of botanical extracts is the first product to ever blend three essential amino acids with an incredibly rare compound known as “BioCitroid™”. BioCitroid™ is proven to be one of the only all-natural supplements to be able to pass through the blood-brain barrier to immediately raise all 5 of your intelligence hormones: Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine, Epinephrine and Serotonin. To receive a free ClariGenZ™ sample, click this link: "ClariGenZ™ is revolutionary in today's modern medicine. Its ability to give athletes extreme focus before big games and motivational clarity is a game changer. The WSA is excited about the partnership and putting ClariGenZ™ in the hands of thousands of athletes, as well as everyday people", said Charlie Williams, CEO of the World Sports Alumni. Prescription stimulants, coffee, and other nootropics damage brain neurotransmitters. Instead, ClariGenZ™ Focus Plus+ uses a natural scientifically evaluated blend that not only boosts energy but also triggers intense focus and exponential productivity. What’s truly unique is its 30-minute onset and up to 6 hours of potency. Instead of damaging your neurotransmitters with the normal overstimulation from caffeine, prescription stimulants, and other nootropics, Focus Plus+ rebalances your brain's neurotransmitters to deliver natural motivation without the "brain drain" behind your loss of cognitive ability. Rather than increasing your caffeine intake, doubling scoops of pre-workout, or using other biologically addictive substances. Just taking a single dose of ClariGenZ™ Focus Plus+ rejects chemical overload, providing your body with the perfect amount of focus, clarity, and energy needed to finish tasks like clockwork, while the added amino acids recharge your supply of neurotransmitters. No chemicals. No fillers. No synthetic prescriptions. Just all-natural ingredients that put you into the ultimate flow state. "We are thrilled at our partnership with the World Sports Alumni and honored they have chosen us as a worthy partner. As they encompass all sports and entertainment, we feel it's fitting since ClariGenZ™ can be benefitted by virtually anyone on the planet. You start to feel motivated after 30 minutes and want to dive into your most important tasks. After just 1 hour you are in a state of intense focus and concentration and in your “zone". No jitters. Just a calm flow state. By hour 6, you look back and see all you did and say to yourself, “Wow! Did I really get all of that really done?” says Dr. V. Rao Emandi, MD. Founder of the multi-billion dollar Wellcare HMO; Chairman of Cancer Care Centers of Florida. "Everyday people will also benefit whether its athletes, CEOs, executives or just everyday moms with busy days and low energy, who need a boost of focused energy." "Focus Plus+ is extra strength for the hard-charging entrepreneurs, creatives, and traders who need to be at their peak all day and on demand. When sharp focus, problem-solving and rapid decision-making is critical, this is your go-to solution. The key to staying productive without burning out is simple. Manage your energy. Not your time. We can't change how many hours we have in a day. But we can manage how we feel during the hours that we have. Especially if you have to work within a limited time frame say, 9 am-5 pm, you need to be able to turn off stressful distractions and put your thinking cap on. Coffee, pre-workouts, and prescription stimulants give you energy, but they increase anxiety and damage your brain long term. But for less than a latte at Starbucks, you can use ClariGenZ™ Focus Plus+ to enhance all 5 intelligence hormones and keep your neurotransmitters balanced... all while protecting your brain against long-term damage."

Dr. Emandi, Founder and CEO of ClariGenZ™, is bringing us the new age of all-natural game changers. ClariGenZ™ is endorsed and recommended by renown doctors such as Dr.Mike Van Thielen. ClariGenZ™ is the latest revolutionary medicine in nootropics. Developed by some of the leading doctors in integrative medicine with the purpose of being all-natural and non-addictive forming. ClariGenZ™ is gluten-free, caffeine-free, soy-free, and 100% vegan. ClariGenZ™ Focus Plus+ is used by elite pro athletes in Golf, Tennis, Football, Basketball, Billiards, Boxing, Baseball, Fencing, and more. CEOs and executives use ClariGenZ™ Focus Plus+ for mental sharpness before tackling big projects and meetings. Moms love Focus Plus+ to get that optimal clarity needed to get through the day. No jitters. No crash. Just clean Focus power.

Reaching millions of fans monthly, The World Sports Alumni is The Largest Pro Athletes Association Worldwide working with over 10,000 celebrities from sports and entertainment from Radio, Television, Movies, NFL, NBA, MLB, UFC, ATP, WTA, PGA, Boxing, Billiards, Athlete Management, Celebrity Social Media Management, Celebrity bookings, Sporting Events, TV Production, Book Publishing, Charity Foundations, and more. The WSA has a Board of Directors overseeing every pro sport along with the WSA Business Board and WSA Business Board and WSA Board of Attorneys. Visit .


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