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Circle K Partners with WSA Publishing: 4th Down and Damn

Jacksonville, Florida- New partnership has formed with Circle K teaming up with the WSA and NFL legend Leon Searcy, Jaguars and Miami Hurricanes Hall of Famer. "I'm so excited for the release of my book. It's already finished, but we are finalizing the launch events. Seeing my life come to life on paper has been truly amazing!" said Searcy.

IG @lsearcyjr "A BIG shoutout to

Circle K @circlekstores #CircleK for being a headline supporter of my new book coming out Thank you Misti, Heather and all the good people at Circle K"

SPONSORS WANTED: Be in my upcoming book 4TH DOWN AND DAMN and get a whole lot of benefits. Calling all true #Canes, #JagsNation, #SteelersNation

Hit us and our team up @worldsportsalumni 407-782-4978


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